NEW and innovative easy-to-move washbasin

Pressalit MATRIX - hygienic and safe bathroom solution

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70 years of outstanding design and innovation

Join us on a journey through our history, from our humble origins in 1954 to a position as a market leader in bathroom solutions.

Pressalit has always been more than just a company; we are a family passionate about design, innovation and creating space to be who you are. That's why we say: Let's make room for people.

Dive into our history and read more about the milestones that have shaped us and follow us on social media for more celebrations.

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About Pressalit

Premium bathroom solutions since 1954 – Pressalit design integrates Scandinavian design in your home. Design is in our DNA, and for 70 years we have been an important part of Danish design history.

Pressalit company presentation

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