Pressalit's awards

We are proud to have received so many rewards and recognitions for both our products, CSR and branding.

2024 Red Dot Design Award (Int) - Style Bathroom Accessories

2023 Red Dot Design Award (Int) - Wall bin

2019 Red Dot Design Award (Int) - MATRIX MEDIUM wash basin

2019 Universal Design Award (DE), 1. Platz UNIVERSAL DESIGN competition CONSUMER AWARD 2019 - Indivo

2019 Universal Design Award (DE), Consumer Favorite - MATRIX MEDIUM wash basin

2018 Red Dot Design Award (Int) - PLUS support arm

2018 Red Dot Design Award (int) - Spira toilet seat

2018 Red Dot Design Award (int) - Solid Pro toilet seat

2017 Nightingale Award (US), Silver - MATRIX MEDIUM wash basin

2017 Danish Design Award (DK) sideways adjustable toilet

2016 Studenterhus Aarhus (DK) Best Place to intern in Eastern Jutland (Østjyllands Bedste Praktikplads)

2016 Nightingale Award (US) The PLUS system – Innovation Award

2016 Red Dot Design Award (int) Sway toilet seat

2015 Universal Design Award (DE) “Das Bad” (SELECT wash basin lifter, height adjustable support arms, height adjustable shower seat): Expert favorite and Consumer favorite (2015)

2011 Business Forum for Social Responsibility (DK) CSR People Prize Award

2008 IF Product Design Award (Int) shower and changing table

2007 B2B Superbrand (DK)

2006 B2B Superbrand (DK)

2003 Red Dot Design Award (Int) Raja toilet seat

2003 S-Mærket (DK) Social Responsibility distinction

2002 IF Product Design Award (Int) Care folding seat

1999 IF Product Design Award (int) Pressalit Zenzit Madera toilet seat