Changing places

Creating convenient bathroom facilities in public spaces that are accessible for all is the mantra of Changing Places.

Wherever that bathroom might be, the British Standard BS8300:2009 describes a Changing Places facility as a “combined toilet, shower and changing room for use by people with complex and multiple disabilities who require the help of up to two assistants.” The space should be a minimum 12 m², and include a peninsular toilet, washbasin, height-adjustable adult-sized changing bench, privacy screen and ceiling track hoist.

Changing Places bathroom by Pressalit
Accessible bathrooms Changing places (UK)

Changing Places are ‘desirable’ under Building Regulations Approved Document M 2015, for all new build and refurbishment projects involving buildings to which numbers of the public have access.

So, expect to see Changing Places facilities in buildings such as transport termini,
motorway services, shopping centres, sport and leisure facilities, civic and cultural buildings, educational and health establishments.

And pubs

Wetherspoons is the only major pub chain in the UK to install Changing Places facilities in its venues where possible in its new build and refurbishment projects. And Pressalit’s range of height adjustable bathroom products, including our Nursing Bench, Matrix Basin and Select Height Adjustable Bracket, and our Hinged Toilet Arm Supports, have all been included through specialist Changing Places installer Total Hygiene.

Among the pubs that have received the new all-inclusive facilities are The Sandford House in Huntingdon and the Iron Duke in Wellington, Somerset. The facilities are conveniently located and accessed via RADAR key.

"Wetherspoons have gone above and beyond to make these new facilities fully accessible to all, with space for wheelchair access and height adjustable equipment."

- Andrew Lowndes, UK sales manager at Pressalit comments

Having Changing Places in the Wetherspoons outlets means children and adults who need a carer’s help with their personal hygiene have the appropriate space and equipment to do so hygienically. The alternative would be to curtail their visit, lie their loved one on the toilet floor to change them, or not be able to enjoy a relaxing drink and meal out with friends and family.

Wetherspoons has already won national awards for its toilet facilities.

"Pubs traditionally are the focal point of any community. As a company we aim to ensure that all members of a community, including those with disabilities, can access and enjoy what we have to offer."

- Paul Gillings, Wetherspoon’s development manager

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