Zakrisdal (SE)

Norra Europas modernaste vårdhem.

Karlstad Municipality has built a unique residence in Sweden for both younger and older individuals with dementia, using the latest in technology and flexible solutions, with well-thought-out care concepts.

The single-level care home accommodates 48 people. The apartments are arranged in a star shape, with outdoor spaces in all directions. At the center of the star is a garden, where everyone—even those confined to their beds—can easily step outside and enjoy the scents, sounds, and light of the changing seasons. Around the building, there is a beautiful walking path, easy to navigate with a walker and safely enclosed by fences.

Accessible bathrooms solution, Zakrisdal (SE)
Accessible bathrooms solution, Zakrisdal (SE)

The bathrooms in the apartments are equipped with products that are adjustable both in height and sideways, making them easy to customize to meet the varying needs of residents. These products were selected after the entire project team visited Pressalit's test room in Kista/Stockholm.

The challenge

To be at the absolute forefront in care home standards, ensuring that residents have the best possible opportunities to maintain independence in the bathroom, while providing the best possible working environment for care staff.

The solution

A flexible and ergonomic design with the ability to adjust both height and lateral positioning. The flexibility of the products allows for optimal use of bathroom space to accommodate various mobile aids and provide adequate space for care personnel.

The effect

An ergonomic work environment that eases the workload for care staff.

Efficient use of the bathroom space that also meets regulatory requirements for workplace safety and health.

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